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Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix

Contact Dan DelBianco   412-559-3500
Location Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Date July 22, 2023

The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix is the nation’s largest vintage street race and the largest vintage race event, spanning 10 days with two race weekends, car shows, parties, parades and motorsport events.

3 Members Attending this event   ↵

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Member Comments on event   ↵
2023-07-04 18:45:45 # 87145
Comment by David Cherry
Looking forward to a great weekend
2023-07-20 20:25:17 # 87342
Comment by George Kozak
I'll be at the event on Saturday. I'd love the opportunity to visit the pits of any MG racers, and visit with MGers on the show field. I won't be bringing my B.
2023-07-21 06:42:46 # 87344
Comment by Robert Bergdahl
I am taking my B to the all British Car Show on Saturday. A little nervous as we have just recently finished the car. Will be driving down with my grandson about 25 miles, so I should be fine and it will be a great adventure!
2023-07-21 07:10:10 # 87345
Comment by William Estaver
Sounds like a great fun time!!

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